July 8, 2022

CBS News Congressional correspondent Scott MacFarlane has been keeping a close eye covering the Capitol riot cases, and he ran across one in particular that he said was "unlike anything we've ever seen." Former Marine from California David Ticas was arrested on 9/23/2021 for "Knowingly Entering or Remaining in any Restricted Building or Grounds without Lawful Authority, Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restrictive Building or Grounds, Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building, and Parading, Demonstrating or Picketing in a Capitol Building." That's a lot of charges, so Ticas wrote a leniency letter. The thing is, though, that he brought his 16-year-old daughter to the riot.

Ticas's letter started off right with him acknowledging that Biden is the President of the United States, saying, "I respect that," then it all went south from there. After admitting that, Ticas begins a series of voter fraud claims. Hang on, it gets worse. He even mentions Dinesh D'Souza's pro-Trump film called "2,000 Mules," which has been widely panned because it's packed full of lies. Ticas claims in the letter that he "witnessed" fraud on social media, and I'm not how that works. He launches into a rant about the New World Order and globalization.

Then, of course, he delved into a conspiracy theory about Jan. 6, claiming that the chaos occurred when "undercover federal agents or their informants began throwing tear gas and concussion grenades." Also, he said, "Tear gas was being thrown indiscriminately at crowds full of young children." There were, of course, no crowds of young children, but there was Ticas who brought his underaged daughter to what turned into an insurrection. Ticas then alleges 2016 surveillance of Donald Trump.

Jinkies, you guys, I think he's doing this wrong. I hope he didn't really want to get out of jail. And the letter started off so well. He was so close to getting it!

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