2022 Werewolf Wannabe And Abortion Crookie: Herschel Walker

Were it not for George Santos, Herschel Walker could easily have been named the lying-est Republican candidate of 2022.

Were it not for George Santos, Herschel Walker could easily have been named the lying-est Republican candidate of 2022.

Aside from the carpetbagging and the lies Herschel Walker repeatedly told about his phony career in law enforcement, including flashing a make-believe deputy sheriff’s badge, there was the hypocrisy. It seemed that every other day, we learned about a different woman’s pregnancy “anti-abortion” Herschel Walker tried to terminate. Or secret children that “pro-fatherhood” Walker ignored.

There was also his shocking ignorance and inability to speak coherently.

But there was one subject that Walker could eagerly discuss: vampire movies:

WALKER: I don’t know if you know, vampires are some cool people, are they not? But I’m gonna tell you something that I found out, a werewolf can kill a vampire. Do you know that? I never knew that. So, I don’t want to be a vampire any more. I want to be a werewolf.

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