December 1, 2022

Maybe Walker was home in Texas or maybe he was arranging for some new mistress’ abortion, but he somehow missed the news that Democrats clinched continuing control of the Senate when Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto won re-election on November 12.

Whatever Walker was doing while he was MIA from the campaign trail, he obviously wasn’t studying up for the job for which he has not a single qualification.

First, Walker doesn’t seem to know that Democrats already control the Senate. He told Newsmax TV viewers, “This election year is about control of the Senate in the sense that, you know, we’re not gonna let them take the Senate away.”

“Now the committees can be even,” Walker said, suggesting that he knows the Senate is split 50/50, but little more. He apparently doesn’t know that Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris gives Democrats control already. “If the Republicans lose that Senate seat, then the Democrats got total control,” he said. A one-seat majority would certainly be better for the Democrats but hardly gives them total control.

He also has a warped sense of his own importance. “Right now, this election is more important than any election I think we’ve ever had in history,” Walker added. “So that’s the reason I’m getting out there, to keep people out there to the polls.”

I think all decent people would agree that keeping this lying, werewolf-wannabe nincompoop out of the Senate is very important. But most important election in history? I think the founding fathers would probably disagree. But Walker probably can’t name most of them.

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