October 3, 2023

Trump's female legal team always looks like they're ready to launch "The Real House Lawyers of Redondo Beach." Or maybe "The Bachelor Except He's Been Married Four Times Already And One Of Them is Buried At His Golf Course."

Alina Habba is not a good lawyer. Her failure to check the box for a jury trial was mocked incessantly yesterday. So like all good Trump lawyers she ran to conservative media (but not Fox because Trump is on the outs with most of them?). Alright Newsmax and Former Fox office sexter (allegedly!) Eric Bolling. Try to count the excuses she makes in the segment, I ran out of fingers.

After claiming that a smile by the judge makes the entire trial political, Habba pretended to take a higher ground:

ALINA HABBA: It's a disgrace to our legal system. It's a disgrace to our country. I wish we could just get back to focusing on our country focusing on our children, focusing on the things that are truly important , not taking away an American story of success by a family that has done a lot of good for the state of New York and a lot of good for this country. It's really sad and unfortunately, they're trying to drag the kids into it as well. There are no bounds to what the radical Left will do. And I think we're witnessing it as a country and we've got to make it stop.

ERIC BOLLING (HOST) Very, very quickly before let you go. There's something like $275 million was potential judgment against Trump. Has this been reduced given what you what happened at the end of today?

HABBA: I can tell you that it was reduced in the appellate division in June, which is what we've keep arguing that appellate division decided that this is a much smaller, narrower case, and this is not being acknowledged. Today as we see a little bit of acknowledgment on that, and I'm happy for it, but the world needs to understand a couple of things. We couldn't check a box for a jury. This is the judge we got because we're in the wrong division, because they brought it under section 63(12), and they have to understand that the $250 million is frankly less than that man's net worth on a bad day half a day an hour. You saw it today they put up his statements of financial condition. The guy didn't need loans. He's worth hundreds of millions of dollars in some of the worst times this country has seen. This is an absolute witch hunt in President Trump's words.

BOLLING: And it continues. Spokesman Alina Habba thank you so much for joining us.

Let's go to the check box!

checked box for bench trial

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