Trae Crowder, aka the Liberal Redneck, takes a look at the news of the week. He started out with pointing that Trump proved his own accusations of a two-tiered justice system by getting a huge break on the fines he needs to pay. Just try being poor and get away with something like that.
He also discussed how MAQA really reached their glory within hours of the tragedy involving the Baltimore Key Bridge. It truly is amazing the mental gymnastics and contortions they put themselves through to come to their preconceived conclusion that it was somehow Biden's fault. However, these are the same people who will say it's too soon to talk about it after the next mass shooting.
He then moved on to Ronna McDaniel, who bent over backwards to appease the MAGA nuts, only to fall like Ceaser during the Ides of March. On a side note, does anyone else have problems with wanting to call her Ronna McDonald, or is it just me?
Lastly, he talks about RFK, Jr's choice of a running mate. It really is a shame that he didn't pick Aaron Rodgers after all. Any Packers fan can attest that Rodgers has a major problem making it to the end without throwing the whole thing away.