May 10, 2024

Talk about a man among men.

What a great day in history.

In 1993, Mandela and President de Klerk were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their work towards abolishing apartheid. Negotiations between black and white South Africans prevailed. On 27 April 1994, South Africa held its first democratic elections. The ANC won the election with 62.65 % of the vote. The National Party (NP) received 20.39 %, Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) 10.54 %, Freedom Front (FF) 2.2 %, Democratic Party (DP) 1.7 %, Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) 1.2 % and the African Christian Democratic Party 0.5 %.

On 10 May 1994, Nelson Mandela, at the age of 77, was inaugurated as South Africa’s first black president and F W de Klerk became Mandela’s first deputy. Although the ANC gained a majority vote, they formed the Government of National Unity (GNU), headed by Mandela.

Here is his full speech delivered to us by our friend Gordon Skene.

As you might have guessed, only the MAGA cult can use Mandela's name in the most horrific way.

MacCallum: Is he concerned about the possibility of being sent to jail as a ramification of these?

Habba: He's not concerned about being sent to jail.

Habba: I think like anybody, he's concerned about going to jail. But if they put him in jail for his First Amendment right, he will be like Nelson Mandela.

Even Trump has delusions about who and what Nelson Mandela was. “I don’t mind being Nelson Mandela, because I’m doing it for a reason,” Trump said to a crowd of supporters at a Derry, New Hampshire, rally.

Trump is as much alike as Mandela as Hitler was to FDR.

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