Want Your MTV?  Sorry, Paramount Erased The Archives.
Credit: @bluegal (Composite)
June 26, 2024

And just like that, it’s gone.

MTV.com is gone. Kaput. Wiped off the face of the Earth.

Parent company Paramount, formerly Viacom, has tossed twenty-plus years of news archives. All that’s left is a placeholder site for reality shows. The M in MTV – music — is gone, and so is all the reporting and all the journalism performed by music and political writers ever written. It’s as if MTV never existed. (It’s the same for VH1.com, all gone.)

And with it so much of my (young) life. I was the original target market for MTV, and it’s true: The moment I would get home, I would have it on pretty much until bedtime. I got all my news there, the good, the bad, the funny.

I know, I know, they took the M out of MTV years ago, but what a run they had, and how MTV ruled the culture. I don’t know how many times it changed hands, but each time it did, the new owner had no idea what they had.

And now it’s gone.

Republished with permission from Mock Paper Scissors.

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