June 26, 2024

Newsmax guest host Corey Lewandowski held a phone-in interview with the felonious ex-president, and it was -- I know you're going to be shocked -- packed full of lies, including the usual rant claiming that Joe Biden will be be jacked up on drugs for the debate on Thursday. The right-wing media bubble and Republicans can't decide if the President is Sleepy Joe or Jacked Up Joe.

Lewandowski was visibly caught off guard when Trump appeared to have fallen asleep during his interview. So, of course, Lewandowski fed him his lines.

"You made some recommendations that maybe Joe Biden has to have a drug test before this debate," Lewandowski said. "You've made some great remarks, and let me just remind our viewers kind of what you've said and, you know, what your take is on it."'

There was a long silence -- which is unusual for Trump -- before Lewandowski jumped in to throw his former boss a lifeline.

"Oh, sir, I think you said that Joe might need a shot to stay up for the debate," he said. "I hear that he's practicing standing for 90 minutes in his debate prep. A little different, I think, than what you're used to at some of the rallies you've participated in recently."

"Well, if I have to practice standing, we have ourselves a big problem now," a groggy-sounding Donald Trump finally weighed in. "I had heard that, too. He's practicing how to stand or something standing."

Well done, Corey. Good save. Trump supporters are concerned that the former President will lose the debate. Biden has been prepping for the debate at Camp David, and that seems to bother them, too. Maybe if Trump acted like he wanted the job instead of needing the job to stay out of prison, it would help.

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