June 19, 2024

I'm sorry, there's just no other way to say it. Republicans, as an entity, hate this country. They hate it for its diversity, embrace of science, choice to look forward instead of backwards and so much more. They're resentful little gnomes, hateful, pathetic and scared they can't measure up in modern times--because they can't.

In this incredible rant by Heartland Signal Chicago and AM950 Minneapolis host, he points out how Republicans can't get the past or the future right. While they ignore climate change, unlike similar European countries who have taken on the challenge, Miami is a flood zone these days. Similar cities in Belgium & the Netherlands? Nope, they don't have this problem.

And then there's 87% of Republicans in Congress choosing to honor terrorists who killed 100x more Americans than Big Laden. Amazing. No matter what subject, no matter when, ALWAYS WRONG.

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