July 25, 2024

MAGA, where common sense and decency goes to die. It's not like their racism shocks us. Donald Trump, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Greg Abbott, racism is practically a dialect for them.

But the Republican Party has gotten so out of control, with every single faction turning on each other and new factions being invented by the day like STDs inside Kid Rock. They're now even turning on their own in startling fashion. It's still shocking to just hear some of these freaks come out and say virulently disgusting things, the kind that even in the GOP of ten years ago got you uninvited from conventions, not invited to dinner at Donald Trump's uber-gauche home/bed-bug ridden hotel.

Check out the video. As their racism flows and they target minorities high up in their own party. And know it'll get worse, because it always does.

*Thanks for watching! Please be sure to Subscribe to Cliff's Edge, my Youtube channel, where I create videos every day supporting Dems who aggressively challenge Republican treason and mocking GOP members for their weakness & idiocy

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