July 25, 2024

Chris Wray sidesteps the question of whether the Mango Man was actually struck by a bullet -- probably because he wants to keep his job if Trump wins. Via Yahoo:

The FBI’s director has revealed that investigators still do not know whether it was a bullet or some shrapnel which grazed Donald Trump’s ear during his attempted assassination.

Christopher Wray told a marathon session of the US House Judiciary Committee that the FBI was still working to determine exactly what hit the former president’s ear during the shooting.

“My understanding is that either it [a bullet] or some shrapnel is what grazed his ear,” he said.

Asked by lawmakers if the FBI knew where all eight bullets fired by shooter Thomas Crooks at the rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, Mr Wray added: “There is some question about whether or not it was a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear, so it is conceivable, as I sit here right now, I don’t know whether that bullet, in addition to causing the grazing, could have also landed somewhere else.”.

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