July 25, 2024

Simplistic idiot says what? He says he should swap out the highly-trained generals of our military for NASCAR drivers and football coaches. What a scathingly brilliant idea! Via MSN.com:

Trump rallied a motorsports-loving crowd in Charlotte, NC, by suggesting that the top drivers would have the same skills necessary to serve as a military general should he be re-elected in November.

The former president has raised multiple run-ins with military generals in the past, both while being in office and since he was replaced by current U.S. President Joe Biden. During his rally in Charlotte on Wednesday evening, Trump suggested that recruiting NASCAR drivers and football coaches may be the way forward.
"We appreciate talent, I say, 'Let me use these guys to guide our military a little bit.' When you can win so many races, that's okay, you guide," Trump said. "Same thing with coaches, you take some of the greatest football coaches and put them in a room... it's not so different.".

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