July 27, 2024

A bill to protect those that are being smeared with nonconsensual sexual explicit digital forgeries now are one step closer to having agency against those perpetrating the fraud.

Mashable has the scoop:

New anti-deepfake legislation, known as the Disrupt Explicit Forged Images and Non-Consensual Edits (Defiance) Act, has passed a Senate vote with unanimous consent, pushing the first of potentially many AI-focused regulations one step closer to federal law.

The bipartisan Defiance Act grants victims the right to sue individuals who "knowingly produce, distribute, or receive" nonconsensual sexually-explicit digital forgeries. It was introduced to the session by Senate Judiciary Chair Dick Durbin and Republican senator Lindsay Graham, but Democratic representative and co-leader Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has become a figurehead of the legislation.

As bad as revenge porn and hacking personal videos and photos and posting them online, deepfake porn is just as destructive to women.

This is a good first step.

I wonder if the MAGA run House will go along with the Senate on this one?

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