Watch 4-year-old Gavin who is completely blind due to a rare condition use his cane and conquer his fear of curbs.
March 15, 2013

"I can do it!" 4 yr old Gavin, who is completely blind, using his cane independently attempting to step down a curb. You can tell he was unsure, yet, he is a lesson in bravery. He has been using his cane independently for a few months now, we have just been working on his steps/curbs/stairs with the cane. He had to talk his way through this, but he did not want any help.

To read more about Gavin, and LCA, the extremely rare condition that has caused complete blindness, please visit the below sites. We are working on a cure for the LCA-NMNAT1 gene mutation causing his rare blindness, where there are only 150 in the United States with this specific condition.

Gavin's Groupies

Gavin's Foundation

Living with LCA

Now remember, no obstacle is insurmountable...that and TGIF!

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