Much of the drama this election season is focused on the U.S. House, and the Republicans' prospects for seizing a majority. But the real the battle for control of Congress — the one with the most lasting impact — is being waged down-ballot, where Democrats are struggling to maintain control of dozens of state houses, and the coveted congressional redistricting power that comes with them.
Last time around, after the 2000 election and census, Republicans weren't shy about using their advantage at the state level to bolster their majority in Congress; 25 Democrats lost their seats due to redistricting between 2002 and 2004 as a result of GOP gerrymandering that's still impacting elections today. Likewise, victory in the 2010 redistricting battle could pay huge dividends over the next five cycles:
“The average winner of a competitive House race in 2008 spent $2 million, while a noncompetitive seat can be defended for far less than half that amount. Moving, say, 20 districts from competitive to out-of-reach could save a party $100 million or more over the course of a decade.”
— GOP strategist, Karl Rove
Fortunately, as Howie has already posted, there is a way for all of us to double our money and double our impact by strategically investing in a handful of down-ballot races in key states.
Through Oct. 28, Progress Kick will match, dollar-for-dollar, all contributions made to select legislative and Secretary of State candidates through our Win Big by Thinking Small ActBlue page. All our candidates are strong progressives in close but winnable races, in states were congressional redistricting is stake. And they need our support.

Your contribution, either spread across the entire field, or targeted at one or more of our 19 candidates in OH, PA, MI, OR and NC, will be matched dollar-for-dollar by Progressive Kick. So please invest in the future, and give today.