Southern Beale: Focus on your own damn family
Politics in the Zeros: A California collision cometh. So, it's a perfect time for LA to pay out millions in damages for police riots
A Tiny Revolution: Entire world menaced by better cell phone reception
Vagabond Scholar: Right Wing Cartoon Watch
uggabugga: Thanks, David Broder!
HOLY CRAP: Purity...Tough to be an atheist in Texas...Dobson jinxes Cards...Card quarterback worried that friends, family, teammates, are going to hell...Fun with Christians...Televangelism empire in chaos...Dinosaur Hunt!...Flying Spaghetti Monster accepts cabinet post...My kind of Preacher...Top 30 Atheist/Agnostc blogs...Collapse of a Texas Quote Mine...Misquoting Jesus...Amish Fireplaces...Pope names unhinged Austrian new Bishop...Warped Worldview...Wingnut Law School Dean pleads guilty in child abuse case...Infidel Doofus...Mormon Church reveals $190k in unreported prop 8 expenditures...The FundamentaList...