Okay, normally I post a song and try to tie it to the guest list for the Sunday shows. But not this morning. I saw this clip this week and it broke my heart.
They say that a dog is a man's best friend, and for Navy SEAL Jon Tumilson, 35, and his beloved and loyal dog Hawkeye, not even death could break this powerful bond.
At Tumilson's funeral in Rockford on Aug. 19, his beloved canine lay at the foot of the casket throughout the ceremony. Tumilson's cousin Lisa Pembleton took the heart-wrenching photo of the devoted dog, known to Tumilson's family and friends as his "son."
"I took this picture and that was my view throughout the entire funeral. I couldn't NOT take a picture," Pembleton said. "It took several attempts since every time I wasn't crying and could focus on taking it.
I'm a softie about dogs. As I type this, our own lab is lying on my feet, waiting patiently for her walk. And the only time I've seen my husband cry (outside of when his mother passed away) was when we had to put down our first dog because of a brain tumor. The unconditional devotion from a dog is a magnificent thing to behold. I want you to think about how many other devoted animals are waiting in vain for their owners to come home. Don't get me wrong, I'm worried about the victims of the hurricane (my cousins are in the flood zone in Brooklyn and were evacuated. Still waiting to hear how they've fared), but this is a story repeating over and over for far too long. They're going to talk to these pundits about Hurricane Irene, but I want to hear some answers for how many more heartbreaking funeral scenes we'll have to see, how many more Hawkeyes waiting for their daddy to come home.
ABC's "This Week" - Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator Craig Fugate; New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.
NBC's "Meet the Press" - Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, a 2012 GOP presidential candidate.
NBC's "The Chris Matthews Show" - Panel: Katty Kay, John Heilemann, Rick Stengel, Helene Cooper. Topics:Is Perry Like Reagan, The Westerner Who Can Defeat The Establishment Romney? In Bad Economic Times, Would Perry's Far Right Rhetoric Get Overlooked? Meter Questions: Can Rick Perry Fire Up The Right At the Same Time As the Middle? YES: 5 NO: 7; Will It Be Easier For Obama To Go Negative on Rick Perry Than Barack Obama? YES: 11 No: 1.
CBS' "Face the Nation" - Former Secretary of State Colin Powell.
CNN's "State of the Union" - Fugate; Hurricane Center Director Bill Read; former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff; Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy; Christie.
CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS" - pre-empted for hurricane coverage
"Fox News Sunday" - Fugate; Texas Rep. Ron Paul, a 2012 GOP presidential candidate.
So what's catching your eye this morning?