Mitt Romney in Iowa this morning, responding to a question about Social Security. Via TPM. Even the audience had a good laugh at his expense at this one. We'll likely see this one in campaign ads over and over again.
I've added a longer video for fuller context of the rancor Romney faced from the crowd. Just whose bright idea on the Romney campaign was this?
ROMNEY: Do I believe that Social Security should take no part in deficit reduction negotiations? Social security and Medicare are a large part of federal spending. It is about half. Not just this year, but over the coming decades, if we are able to balance our budget, we have to make sure that the promises we make for Social Security and Medicare are promises we can keep. There are a couple ways to do that: one way is to raise taxes on people. Corporations are people. Of course they are -- where do you think it goes? Human beings, my friend. Number one, you can raise taxes. That is not the approach would take.