McCain had so many top forty hits on MTP yesterday that it was too hard to keep track of them all. Atrios finds two gems that I had to post with just a little assembly required. Duncan:
McCain:..and I think this is our last chance.
Then Duncan directed us to this. it appears McCain made up his Gulf War polling data:
From the NYT, January 18, 1991:
The initial reaction by the American public to President Bush's decision to go to war with Iraq is positive, according the Gallup Poll.
Seventy-nine percent of those interviewed on Wednesday night said they approved "of the U.S. decision today to go to war with Iraq in order to drive the Iraqis out of Kuwait," while 15 percent disapproved, and 6 percent had no opinion.
C&Ler Guy points out that McCain tries to make it seem like the Democratic Party is blaming the troops for, but Russert caught it...
McCain: And the—this resolution is basically a vote of no confidence in the men and women we are sending over there. We’re saying, “We’re sending you—we’re not going to stop you from going there, but we don’t believe you can succeed and we’re not willing to support that.” I don’t think the troops would find that an expression of support. And to accuse the president of the United States of, quote, “rushing troops over there” is beneath, frankly, the behavior level that I think is appropriate for members of Congress
So I hope we can engage—we will be engaging in this debate and discussion. I hope we can make our case. I believe that it’s very necessary, and I understand the frustration that Americans feel. Only 15 percent of Americans supported the first Gulf War at the beginning. But if we can show them a path to success, I think you will see increasing support. But I think it’s going to be long and hard and difficult, and I’m very disturbed when administration officials start talking about quick withdrawals. That’s not going to work.
MR. RUSSERT: But, senator, this is fourth year of the war. And now the number of Americans who support it in the 30s. Isn’t this—or could this not be perceived not as a vote of no confidence in the American troops, but a vote by Congress, a vote of no confidence in the commander in chief?