CBS Sunday Morning did a profile on Keith Olbermann and Countdown today. The "Rummy Special Comment," was the # 2 political blog post (#3 overall) of 2006 via Nielsen BuzzMetrics.
If you firmly believe reporters never should share their personal views, Keith Olbmermann is definitely not the newsman for you. "Mr. Bush, the question is no longer, 'What are you thinking,' but rather, 'Are you thinking at all?'" he said in a now famous commentary. That diatribe against the president and the war in Iraq spiked the ratings of Olbermann's show, "Countdown." Its viewership is up 85 percent in the last year.
"Countdown" was flying beneath the ratings radar for several years until last August when a speech by former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld sent Olbermann into a fury.
"He said, essentially, that anyone who was critical of the war on terror, or the war in Iraq, or, indeed, of the administration's policies, was equivalent to those who appeased Hitler in the '30s," he said. "I'm not a big fan of being called a Nazi appeaser, or even a parallel to a Nazi appeaser. I took that personally." on