H/T Max_1
In this rather humorous and absolutely NSFW rant, Youtuber CultOfDusty brings a few truths to light about the Duck Dynasty clan.
Of course we all know that "reality shows" have little, if anything, to do with actual reality. And in the case of the "Ducks" this is more than an understatement.
And check out the Duck clan brothers "before" entering A&E, first we have "Willie"...

I don't know the other brothers names, and they aren't noted at Daily Kos, but here's another one of the clan:

More photos here, and Vyan gives a pretty good summary of what you'll see and hear in the video.
What doesn't yet seem to be clear is whether or not the homophobic zealot leader of the clan always appears as he does on the *cough* show, or if that is just for "show," or when he's being video-taped giving anti-gay rants.