In his run for Congress, the Republican state senator from Campbellsport said welfare reform would be his top priority in Washington, and in the interview broadcast Sunday, he said educating the public is a first step.
"So your viewers are aware, a single parent with a couple kids can easily get $35,000 a year in total benefits between the health care and the earned income credit and the FoodShare and the low-income housing and what have you," Grothman said. "And that's after taxes. How many people make $35,000 a year after taxes? Most people don't.
"When you look at that amount of money, which is in essence a bribe not to work that hard or a bribe not to marry someone with a full-time job, people immediately realize you have a problem. Then as soon as you realize you have a problem and something has to be done, then you look at the generosity of the benefits and see what you can do to pare them back."
Replied Gousha: "Bribe's a pretty strong word, don't you think?"
"Well, if you tell somebody you're going to get $35,000 if you don't get married and you're not going to get anything if you marry somebody making 50 grand a year, it's certainly a strong incentive not to raise children in wedlock," Grothman said.
Sadly, this kind of idiocy is the norm for Grothman.
Grothman has also stated that single parenthood is the equivalent of child abuse.
Misogyny isn't Grothman's only specialty. He is also quite proficient in racism.
Grothman has been known to disparage Kwanzaa, saying no one celebrates it and that it's a racist attack on Christmas. He also feels that making Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday a holiday is an insult to taxpayers.
Some of Grothman's other greatest hits include the accusation that the only type people "vote inappropriately" is when it's for a Democrat and that the working poor really don't want weekends.
I would be remiss if I did not include one of Grothman's truly idiotic moments, when he said that teaching about alternative lifestyles in sex ed was part of an agenda to make kids gay:
Grothman's opposition to discussing and recognizing different sexual orientations in schools seems to come his belief that instructors who lead these talks would have what he called an "agenda" to persuade students to become gay.
So move over Michele Bachman, go away Louie Gohmert.
Glenn Grothman is coming to town and bringing a whole circus of crazy with him.