Actions have consequences, especially military actions rooted in manufactured, false evidence. The Bush Crime Family launched THE illegal Iraq war which created the forces that are driving ISIL today. By eradicating the livelihood of Saddam Hussein's sizable and well-trained army, we have inadvertently created this awful quagmire in the Middle East. Incidentally, the organizational masterminds, two deputies to the Islamic State’s self-proclaimed caliph, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, are former Baathists from Saddam's army. Let's not forget this, because the Republican warmongers would certainly prefer Jeb Bush's amnesia regarding his brother's reign of terror, over a lucid recollection of history.
In order to further cement the idea that this whole ISIL nightmare is the fault of President Obama's "dithering" on matters of foreign policy, Joe Scarborough decided former CIA Director Michael Hayden was just the man to excoriate the president he too despises.
Hayden is currently a principal on staff at the Chertoff Group (The Chertoff Group provides business and government leaders with the same kind of high-level, strategic thinking and diligent execution that have kept the American homeland and its people safe since 9/11). Except on that one day...that one Tuesday morning in September, 2001. That doesn't count.

Hayden, the head of the NSA on September 11, 2001, brags about his knowledge of knowing what our enemies are up to. This man actually boasts in his corporate bio:
“The best defense is knowing what your enemies are up to, before they know you know it. For today’s CEOs,” he adds, “there is also the challenge of figuring out who and where your enemies are.”
He is deeply rooted in the security industry, which means any time there's a conflict or even the threat of a conflict, he is making all sorts of bank. Any Democrat who was at the NSA helm during the worst terrorist attack ever, on U.S. soil, would certainly not boast about these security bona fides. Only Republicans can exploit American amnesia, because the media is owned by Republicans.
He had the audacity to claim that the country is starting to blame President Obama for the rise of ISIL. Instead of just acting impetuously, like the toddler who preceded him in the White House, President Obama is trying to build alliances. This coalition will shoulder the burden of putting boots on the ground on the nations directly threatened by ISIL. But this solution will not make Hayden's corporate affiliates enough money. There has never been a concern for American lives, obviously.
The Chertoff Group Principal said,
"...On the belief of the current administration in many ways that we were the problem; that American overreach, American arrogance had led to a lot of the world's problems, now I think after six, seven years of experience it's beginning to dawn on folks that maybe we weren't the problem, we weren't the problem all the times even though we've made our mistakes."
Scarborough asks,
"What do we do moving forward to fix that?"
Hayden kept banging the drum:
"I think it calls for a more active American role in the world, it does require a lot of attention, by us, using all elements of our strength, which are considerable." (considerably profitable)
Joe Scar asks, as if we didn't know the answer,
"What would be the first step for you, General?"
In typical patronizing fashion, Hayden says,
"Paying attention. (like he did on 9/11 or when he helped decide we should invade the wrong country) ...One of the common themes I get from my friends (at Lockheed Martin/McDonnell Douglas), 'where are you guys?' It's American absence that's being felt."
Then Mika explains that Joe Scarborough himself has been on both sides of the issue, that being why are we there or why aren't we there. Today, he sides fully with Hayden and will be the first to vilify the administration if and when they decide to fully engage in this clusterf@#k. Joe Scar said that he thinks the problem is due to the fact that the Obama foreign policy largely focuses on making sure people know that they are NOT the Bush Administration.
Scarborough forgets that we elected President Obama to prevent another Bush-foreign policy disaster, and this is a positive, not a liability. I wish someone would also remind him that we also wish war criminals, like Hayden, would stop being consulted on ways to further enrich themselves on the backs of young American soldiers. I think he's disqualified himself six ways to Sunday with his own incompetence.