Nothing riles the rubes quite like screaming OBAMAS TURNING US INTO EUROPE as Mark Steyn did on Hannity.
STEYN: A majority of Americans essentially voted for European levels of spending...we're 1% under Canada. Americans, conservative Americans think there's a difference between America and Canada. There actually isn't any more, not in terms of government spending. We're close to Norway, we're not quite the full Sweden yet. But we're spending like Europeans but we're not taxed like that, and the idea that you can close that gap...if he [Obama] can make this level of spending permanent, he changes the United States into a European social democracy and he will be the most consequential president of the last 100 years. He will finish the work of FDR and LBJ and that'll be it, we'll be a big Sweden.
First, it's amusing that wingers are always trying to make Canada and European countries something to fear when those nations are hugely popular with Americans.
In fact, polling shows that Americans want an income distribution that's close to, wait for it -- Sweden's.
So when you say "Sweden" and "Canada" to non-Fox viewers, they think, "Yes, please."
Second, it goes without saying that Steyn's numbers are all made up. The US is nowhere near Sweden in terms of spending as a percentage of GDP.
We are, however, spending more than Syria, Haiti and Tanzania, so maybe Steyn would be more comfortable there.