Sound the red alert! We have another use for those torches and pitchforks! Lou Dobbs has caught yet another evil liberal plot in the hatching!
Now that Politico has spilled the beans about Ezra Klein's vile "JournoList" -- a secret cabal of plotting liberal journalists all arranging their talking points for the next day's propaganda -- it's obvious that a good ol' populist torch-bearing mob is exactly what these commiesymp pinko loving liberal journalists need next.
After all, as Erick the Duuuude at Red State explains, the perfidy of liberal journalists has been finally exposed:
It’s a pervasive bias in the media. They hang out with the left. They sympathize with the left.
Yes, we all know that it violates conservatives' tender sensibilities if there should be any liberal journalists, let alone that journalists might have any liberal friends or sources. The thought is just too much to bear.
I am told, quite reliably I might add, that left wing bloggers and policy guys use this site as an express train to get their ideas into the mainstream media. And with sympathetic reporters who take the presuppositions made as truth, then add to those some original reporting, you have not an objective media, but a left wing echo chamber dominating print journalism and mainstream television journalism.
That whole right-wing talking-points Wurlitzer thing? Total myth! Never happened!
So yeah, Erick is like totally awesomely right on: What this calls for is a TORCH BEARING MOB!
The questions now are: who all is on the list, what hit jobs have come through this list, and will the media disclose which of its reporters, editors, columnists, and others belong?
Sure, sure. Ezra Klein may mewl piteously:
As for sinister implications, is it "secret?" No. Is it off-the-record? Yes. The point is to create a space where experts feel comfortable offering informal analysis and testing out ideas. Is it an ornate temple where liberals get together to work out "talking points?" Of course not. Half the membership would instantly quit if anything like that emerged. There are no government or campaign employees on the list. More to the point, there are a number of folks who are straight news reporters and consciously eschew partisanship.
But we know the real score. At least Markos had enough class to come on Olbermann's show and fess up: It's a conspiracy!
Guess it's time to go join a Glenn Beck cell or something. Because it's now clear that if ordinary, paranoid, insecure white Americans like ourselves don't stand up and fight!, well, the liberal media conspiracy is going to create a Marxist Hell of our nation and Obama the Antichrist will devour our children. Or something like that.
Hey, it's not like we weren't warned: