Bill-O the clown opened up his show this Thursday evening by claiming that President Obama, and not the Republicans propaganda channel he works for is responsible for "polarizing America" -- because we all know that passing a Republican health care plan that came out of the Heritage Foundation is really what's to blame for all of the partisan bickering in America.
And Faux "news" is fair and balanced because they allow "both sides" on their network -- faux Fox "Democrats" and Republicans, and if you're watching their so-called "business block" on Saturday mornings, their lonely "liberal" is usually outnumbered about five to one to boot.
After his Talking Points Memo where O'Reilly feigned concern for working Americans while completely ignoring Republicans part in contributing to their problems, he brought in James Carville to argue with and pretend Fox doesn't lean to the right. I assume he believes that the better part of his audience is senile, because I'm not sure who else he thinks is buying his B.S.