While discussing whether or not we can say that 2012 Republican primary now has two front runners, Mitt Romney and Rick Perry, Fox News Sunday panel member Juan Williams went through the litany of reasons that Perry might do well in the GOP primary race, but is going to have some trouble in the general election because he's going to be painted “as an extremist and fringe.”
When Williams pointed out that Perry's record on job creation in Texas isn't all that it's being built up to be, naturally the rest of him pounced on him and here's how The Weekly Standard columnist and Cheney “biographer” Stephen Hayes responded:
HAYES: Every time his job record is attacked, it's a win for Rick Perry, because you can't attack jobs that don't exist. So that's... it's reinforcing the sense that people have that Texas has actually created jobs.
If Stephen Hayes thinks Perry can't be attacked effectively for his so called "Texas Miracle", I've got a few posts for him to read. Here's Rachel Maddow from this past June -- Rachel Maddow Debunks Praise for Rick Perry's 'Texas Miracle'. And Paul Krugman from earlier this month -- The Texas Unmiracle.
And here's more from Jon Perr on the not just Rick Perry, but where the Republicans' policies are taking the United States -- Republicans Push National Race to the Bottom.