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I've been saying that Fox News has been running the GOP field of candidates for what seems like years now. Howard Kurtz asks the wrong question on CNN: Is Fox News in an "Uncomfortable Position" Because It Employs Potential GOP Presidential Contenders?
Answer: No. They're perfectly comfortable. That's been their strategy all along. Remember, Roger Ailes has always been a pivotal media-savvy right-wing operative who orchestrated the Dan Rather episode to try and rid Papa Bush of the Wimp factor.
Fox News Chief Roger Ailes is up in arms over the now famous clash between former President Bill Clinton and Fox's Chris Wallace. He says Clinton had a "wild overreaction" and his "attack" on Wallace was "an assault on all journalists."
How supremely ironic that Roger Ailes would be saying this. On January 25th, 1988, it was Ailes who, sitting five feet away from then Vice President George H.W. Bush in his Senate office in the Capitol building, literally used cue cards to help orchestrate the now-famous Bush confrontation with Dan Rather over the Iran/Contra affair.
Kurtz should be asking if it's ethical that Fox News has its hands as deep into GOP politics. David Frum was the first Republican to say the obvious:
Frum: "Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us, and now we are discovering we work for Fox."
I'd say Frum's point has been validated completely. I do like Howie's show, and usually watch it every week because it does focus on the media.
KURTZ: Huckabee mentioned his belief in Jesus Christ. He didn't mention his $500,000 Fox News salary. But he says he likes having a comfortable life. But the role of Fox News in this whole preseason, Gingrich and Santorum were essentially forced off the payroll, and they both are now running. Huckabee, not. It just shows you how much of a factor Fox has become in this Republican primary.
QUINN: Fox is huge, but so is Twitter. You know?
KURTZ: Fox is huge, but Fox also has employed several people who either could or, in this case, didn't become serious White House contenders.
QUINN: Right. Yes. Well, I mean --
KURTZ: Is that an uncomfortable position for a network?
QUINN: Clearly not for them. I mean, they are making a lot of money off of these people. And, you know, if Sarah Palin, when she announces whatever she is going to do, I'm sure it will be on Fox.
Huckabee, Santorum, Gingrich, Palin, Rove have all been paid employees of the network. Santorum and Gingrich were suspended by FOX because they were getting into the race and they held up on doing the same to Huckabee until he made his decision. I would say that Rove should have his contract suspended now until after the election since he's raising millions of dollars to influence the upcoming election. Roger Aile's gave Sarah Palin a job to help groom her for the media spotlight that she was so unprepared for the first time around.
Why isn't Sarah Palin being forced to commit one way or the other yet? We know she's a cash cow for FOX, but this is getting ridiculous.
My question is why isn't the media outraged by the control FOX News has over the candidates running for President in 2012?
And here's a portent of things to come:
KURTZ: When Sarah Palin makes here decision, it will be like LeBron James and that ESPN special about what team he's going to play for. I think that will get a little bit of attention.
LeBron James became one of the most hated men in sports overnight after his ESPN stunt. If Palin does try to make it a big spectacle about her decision and then doesn't run, well....people will not be happy either. And her negatives are already very high.