Maybe he's just got Iowa on the brain. After his drubbing in the Ames Straw Poll -- coming behind even non-declared, non-candidate Sarah Palin, fer cryin' out loud -- Mitt Romney has to be feeling some pain. And you know, candidatin' is hard work. Shaking hands and pretending to care about the little people takes a toll on you.
So perhaps it's understandable that Mitt Romney just doesn't know where the hell he is:
Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney ran into this problem when campaigning in Manchester on Friday, speaking at a town hall sponsored by the Granite Oath PAC. A tracker for the Democratic independent expenditure group American Bridge 21st Century caught Romney confusing the Granite State with the Hawkeye State (emphasis added):
I had Arnold Schwarzenegger come to my state and try to poach jobs from my state. I thought, "How in the world could he do this to a fellow Republican?" He put billboards up! With him on the billboard. And it said, you know, he was in a T-shirt there and it says "Come to California." So what do you think, I put billboards up in his state. And, uh, it had me in a T-shirt, flexing my muscles. And it said, "Smaller muscles, but much lower taxes. Come to Massachusetts." You guys are supposed to do that here in Iowa. I wouldn’t be able to compete in that case. Zero tax rate is pretty darn good.
Manchester is in New Hampshire, not Iowa.