June 15, 2024

Sorry Trump, but CNN doesn't have any "poll numbers" they're worried about. Here's Trump at his birthday party/rally down in West Palm Beach, working up the crowd as to whether the upcoming CNN debate (the one we're still wondering when he's going to back out of) is going to be fair.

TRUMP: I accepted it, and I'm sure, I think Jake will be fair. Does everyone think he's going to be fair? Ronnie? No, you don't think so? He may. Let's see. Look, he's got his reputation at stake. Got his reputation and CNN has their repu...

You know, they're doing very badly in the polls. They're going to get big numbers here, but it's being actually sent out to all the networks to every network. So it should be a big, it should be a big evening. They say Super Bowl numbers. So everyone's going to watch. You'll have to be screaming at your television set all night, I suspect.

Looks like he's confusing network ratings with poll numbers, but don't expect this to get any attention in the media that continues to ignore that fact that Trump is completely unfit to serve as president, and pays almost no attention to these constant verbal gaffes.

Here's some of the response to his latest nonsense on Xitter:

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