MSNBC's Connected had our friend Jeralyn Merrit from Talk Left (recent Koufax winner) on to discuss the Apple lawsuit. [media id=13006] Via Talk Le
March 8, 2005

MSNBC's Connected had our friend Jeralyn Merrit from Talk Left (recent Koufax winner) on to discuss the Apple lawsuit.

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Via Talk Left

Nicholas Ciarelli, aka Nick DePlume, a Harvard freshman sued by Apple for disclosing trade secret information about its new Mac mini computer on his website, Think Secret, has filed a motion with the Court seeking to have the case dismissed under California'as Anti-SLAPP law.

Update: It was a thoughtful discussion for two segments that raised several topics, and focused as much or more on whether the Apple site committed theft, and whether bloggers could publish stolen information, as it did on whether bloggers are journalists

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