July 6, 2005

A picture named London_attacks1.jpgA picture named London_Attacks.jpg

The Today Show covered the blasts this morning.

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Islamic group claims London attack, possible more attacks on the way: CAIRO, Egypt - A group calling itself “The Secret Organization of al-Qaida in Europe” posted a claim of responsibility for Thursday’s blasts in London, saying they were in retaliation for Britain’s involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. The authenticity of the message could not be immediately confirmed.


Marco echoes my sentiments about the fighting "them over there" theory which is as feebleminded as John Gibson's article. Homeland security and rebuilding Afghanistan should have been our priorities after 9/11, not nation building through military action.

Kos: Bush's latest rationale for maintaining the course in Iraq adventure has been the "flypaper strategy" -- it's better to fight the terrorists over there than at home. But Bush (and Blair) took their eyes off the prize -- neglected to finish the job in Afghanistan, let Al Qaida off the hook to rebuild and reorganize, and helped swell its ranks with an unecessary and inept campaign in Iraq. There are consequences to the mess in Iraq. And today, we're seeing one of them. Unfortunately, it won't be the last.

The Left Coaster has his thoughts: What Good Is An "Anywhere But Here" Anti-Terror Policy?


I always laugh at Michelle Malkin when she rushes to print comments from liberal sites. You would think that such a "high" profile FOX news analyst would act more like an adult instead of a seventh grader, but I guess that is asking too much. If I printed comments that I get and then label these as representing all republican values with the wide strokes that she uses, I would be guilty of turning a tragic event into an asinine attempt to attack the right. Even her John Podhoretz blitzkrieg piece on Katie Couric for asking a legitimate question is idiotic. When there's a tragic event the Malkinizied have to go into their liberal bias mode.

Trey Jackson from the "right" has the video posted of London Mayor Livingston's response to the attack.

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