Rove still in jeopardy
Murray Waas has a new article up in the National Journal. Libby Testimony Is Key To Rove Inquiry
For those jumping up and down over Rove's re-emergence last night:
...The ongoing investigation means that Rove's legal status is likely to remain up in the air until the final disposition of Libby's case. That could be two years from now, or even longer. Rove's predicament contradicts recent news accounts indicating that Fitzgerald will conclude his probe of Rove in the near future.
While the NY Times ran this piece: "Rove Is More His Old Self at the White House." That is not the case.
"Rove and the White House had hoped that President Bush's most important political adviser was out of legal jeopardy when the Libby indictment was announced on October 28, and that the political fallout from the CIA leak scandal would recede with the expiration of the grand jury's term. That no longer appears to be the case."
Waas reminds us that Fitzgerald hasn't forgotten about "Official A." We now know that Karl Rove is that person. Murray does a great round up of the investigation and makes the case that Rove will be bringing the stench of a man still under investigation with him until the close of Scooter's case.
Jane Hamsher has more: "To read the new NYT piece by Ann Kornblut about Karl Rove, you'd think his life was all beer and Skittles at this point. Vindicated, spunky, back to running the federal budget like a corporate chop on.
(graphic courtesy Monk at Inflatable Dartboard)