May 4, 2006

Mike's Blog Round Up

Confined Space: I'd bet a fair amount of money that if you stopped ten people in the street (a street far away from Washington DC) and told them this story, at least nine of them would say it couldn't happen in 21st century America.

Pensito Review: Team Abramoff visited the White House over 200 times in Bush's first 10 months in office

DAYS: Get the net! The Cheney profile in the forthcoming Vanity Fair reveals a VP gone clean around the bend...

BTC News: An extraordinary post on immigration....(hat tip to Tristram Shandy)

The Opinion Mill: There is humor...then there is true wit. This craven wanker doesn't know the difference.

Eyewitness Muse: Bush solidifies base...32% turn into pillars of salt!

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