Wounded Iraqi war veteran Sgt. Peter Damon filed a lawsuit against Michael Moore and 'Fahrenheit 9/11 because he feels that it misrepresents his feelings towards the Iraq war. My heart goes out to him as with every veteran who has been seriously wounded in this war. He joined Neil Cavuto last week to talk about his feelings. When FOX played the segment in question-they took Sgt. Damon's section out of sequence to misrepresent it.
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Notice that in the movie the wounded veteran comes later in the sequence. CNN reports:
"While he was being treated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., he was asked to do an interview with Brian Williams of "NBC Nightly News." The footage was subsequently licensed to Moore's film, which the complaint states "denounces the United States military action in Iraq" by attacking President Bush."
"While he was being treated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., he was asked to do an interview with Brian Williams of "NBC Nightly News." The footage was subsequently licensed to Moore's film, which the complaint states "denounces the United States military action in Iraq" by attacking President Bush."
This poor guy can do what he wishes, I mean he paid an incredible price at the hands of the Bush administration, but FOX could at least present an accurate picture of how he was portrayed in the film.
ABC: Damon's attorney, Phillip Moran, claims that Moore used Damon for his own private political agenda. "The inference that Mr. Damon was opposed to the war is outrageous and an abuse of the man's privacy, and it is a terrible, terrible thing."
On Phillip Moran's website there's a picture of him with Bill O'Reilly.
him with Bill O'Reilly.
Reason.com did some investigative work on the suit and has some questions
MSNBC asked for a response from his other lawyer Dennis Lynch over Damon's possible attendance at a Ted Kennedy speech against the war: Dennis Lynch, said,"If you claim that [Damon] attended an anti-war speech, that would be inaccurate." Lynch requested a video of the event; when offered an email transcript instead, the lawyer accused The Scoop of being "unprofessional"and "biased" before hanging up.
Sylvester Brown Jr. blogs about it: "Everybody Should Sue Michael Moore"
Sgt. Peter Damon seemed very passionate about the suit in his appearance with Cavuto and I wish him all the best.