Just a few hours ago, my friend Dan Borchers - a conservative Christian who is writing a book about Ann Coulter's "extermination speak" - was bodily wrestled out of CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) by four of Ann Coulter's bodyguards.[..]
Two of these goons claimed they were CPAC security, but Borchers recognized the most hostile one as Coulter's longtime bodyguard. It appeared that they staged the whole thing, for they were following him with a camera. During the altercation, they cut Borcher's hand, tried to pry his name tag and credentials off his neck, physically WRESTLED him out of the hotel, and shoved him. Why? Borchers couldn't get a straight answer out of the four guards, except "you are not permitted to be here."
Borcher's crime: asking a question of another author (Mark Smith) about Ann Coulter's involvement in the Paula Jones case. Borchers spent money, bought expensive tickets, took time off work and traveled from Maryland as he does every year, to be at CPAC.
By Nicole Belle
— March 2, 2007