Amidst the tragedy of the trapped coal miners in Utah, Bob Murray said this:
We're going to get them," said Robert E. Murray, chairman of Murray Energy Corp. of Cleveland, a part-owner of the Crandall Canyon mine. "There is nothing on my mind right now except getting those miners out.
Nothing on his mind other saving the miners, really?
"Without coal to manufacture our electricity, our products will not compete in the global marketplace against foreign countries...and people on fixed incomes will not be able to pay their electric bills," . "And every one of these global warming bills that has been introduced in Congress to date eliminates the coal industry and will increase your electric rates four to five-fold."
Will Bunch: Better mine safety (which has nothing to do with global warming, last time I checked) is anti-American? Well, I don't think a majority of Americans agree with that, but the ones who do may find this last twist more than a little ironic:
Little was known about the six miners; only one has been identified. The Mexican Consulate in Salt Lake City said three of the men are Mexican citizens.
So let me get this straight: Robert Murray doesn't want any laws that would make the skies over America cleaner, because he wouldn't be able to give dangerous jobs in citizens of Mexico? Man 'o' man, I can't wait to see how Hannity and Rush spin this on
Yea, that might be pretty interesting....