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In his latest installment of IOKIYAR, Chris Matthews chastises Hillary Clinton and the Democrats in general for their suggested solutions to dealing with immigration even though Craig Crawford points out that Giuliani's rhetoric doesn't differ all that much from Hillary Clinton's.
From C&Ler Heather's email:
In an amazing example of double speak here Chris Matthews slams the Democrats' stance on immigration while defending the Giuliani stance that drivers licenses should not be allowed but still thinks there should be an ID issued. What's the difference as an end result? Personally I'd like to know when we're going to end the practice of slave labor here which we're using as surely as we were in the lead up to the Civil War, and give these workers some rights and protections and put an end to the abuse of the companies which are hiring them to the detriment of the workers themselves and to American workers who have their wages driven down as well. [..] The entire framing of this debate by the media is ridiculous. As long as we're arguing about driver's licenses vs some other ID's, we're talking about meaningless semantics which solve nothing.