In a stunning admission last Friday, President Bush told ABC's Martha Raddatz that it's "probably true" the next terrorist attack on America is being planned and plotted right now in Afghanistan/Pakistan.
Remember the good old days when Bush "listened to the advice of commanders on the ground"? It's a shame he's not listening to Admiral Mullen, who is pretty damn worried about the deteriorating conditions in Afghanistan.
Bush says: "We've got plenty of firepower to take out al Qaeda cells in Afghanistan."
Adm. Mullen says: "The Taliban is growing bolder. Suicide attacks are on the rise, and so is the trade in illegal narcotics. Requirements exist there that we simply can not fill, and won't likely be able to fill, until conditions improve in Iraq."
It's simply stunning that the President can sit there and admit with a straight face that the next attack is "probably" brewing in Afghanistan, and that's he's unwilling to devote more resources there even though his top military commander says he needs them.
Simply. Stunning.