The Majority Report's Sam Seder with a little walk down memory lane and just how completely obnoxious and out of touch George Pataki is.
May 30, 2015

The Majority Report's Sam Seder with a little walk down memory lane and just how completely obnoxious and out of touch George Pataki is. The guy just threw his hat into the ring for the 2016 GOP clown car this week in a press conference where he looked like he was literally sweating a river on the air. He could have single handedly solved California's drought problem if he's kept it up for a month or so. It was so bad that even one of Fox's guests on Outnumbered said the guy looked like he was standing in front of a Methadone clinic.

Sam let him have it for being completely out of touch and an entitled asshole and recounted for his viewers his experience appearing on The Dylan Ratigan Show on MSNBC a while back with the guy, where Pataki went from bragging about his summer home in upstate New York one minute and pushing to raise the age or cut benefits for our social safety nets the next. According to Seder, Pataki wasn't exactly thrilled that Sam was allowed to get the last word in on him during the segment before they ran out of time, and let him know it when they were off the air.

I've seen Pataki be this obnoxious on Fox as well, so Sam's story about his behavior doesn't come as any big surprise to me. I find his story completely believable.

I also share his sentiment that I'll be glad to see Pataki sent back to the dust bin of oblivion and hoping someone's willing to book him to argue with Seder again once he gets his butt kicked in the GOP primary. He's a class A jerk who is just as extreme as the rest of them when it comes to economic issues and kicking the working class and those living in poverty in the teeth, no matter how much our corporate media decides to pretend he's a "moderate."

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