Donald Trump joined Chris Cuomo on CNN's News Day this morning and the segment immediately went of the rails. As big and tough Trump pretends to be, he's the most sensitive and thin skinned candidate I've ever seen.
Part of his campaign strategy is constantly complaining that TV hosts aren't nice to him; they "treat him badly," he often whines.
Donald's whiny M.O. was quite evident during the opening of Cuomo's interview. Chris began by stating he wanted to discuss policy right off the bat and delved into the idiotic attacks on HRC - Donald didn't approve.
Cuomo said, "We need to talk policy....You are attacking Hillary Clinton for the sexual past and indiscretions of her husband, calling her an enabler. We have a panel of independent voters. They are smart as heck and most of them don't like it. They see it as a distraction, they see it as hypocritical coming from you and, mostly, they see it as potential proof that you may have no real ideas to offer as president. What is your thinking on this line of attack?"
Immediately, Trump disapproved, " Well, this is a nice way to start off the interview. First of all, you should congratulate me for having won the race. I thought, you know, at least there would be a small congratulations. But I'm not surprised with CNN because that's the way they treat Trump. It's the - you know, they call it the Clinton network, and I believe that. So, you know, let's - let's start off right there."
Chris, didn't you get the pre-interview notes from Corey? You must revel in exalting the mighty Donald, after his wondrous achievement. And if you don't, then I brand you "The Clinton Network!"
Cuomo defended himself, "Wait, hold on, hold on. Mr. Trump, I did congratulate you the last time we spoke. I said congratulations on winning the big race. What are you going to do going forward?"
Then it continued like this:
TRUMP: All I've done - all I've done is bring up - oh, yes, thank - thank you very much. So warm and so well felt.
CUOMO: But you made it - no, no, no, no. Hold on. Hold on. Let's get this off on the right foot. I'm trying to address what you're putting out as the headline.
TRUMP: Oh, you're starting off with a - with a question. We haven't spoken. Last week, toward the end, I was the - essentially the nominee of the party. And you start off this question, which is not surprising because I understand CNN perhaps a lot better than you do.
CUOMO: Mr. Trump, I'm asking you - I'm asking - OK, OK, let's - let's - you know what, you're right, sometimes it's good to restart. Here's the restart.
You are going to be your party's nominee by all accounts. You are going to carry the standard for this party. You have said that once you get into the general, people will see what you have to offer. The first thing that you've come out with, hot and heavy out of the box, are these attacks on Hillary Clinton.
After Trump used some of his stump speech to discuss his policy concerns, he again attacked CNN.
TRUMP: ...I talk about the border. I talk about the fact that we have to stop the drugs from pouring into our country. Those are the things I talk about in a very long speech in Washington, actually in Nebraska, which was unbelieve - every one of them had tens of thousands of people. I mean they were massively attended, which, of course, you don't mention, nor does CNN ever show the crowds. It's very interesting because CNN, you know, I could be making a speech for hour, they'll never show the extent of the crowd.
CUOMO: Well, I'll tell you, Mr. Trump, I would suggest that CNN shows your events more than they show any other candidates.
Donald gets more free publicity than any candidate has in the history of modern television, but, just like the man eating plant in Little Shop of Horrors, Donald needs to be constantly fed.
Feeeed meeee!!!!