June 22, 2016

Today's Don't Sugarcoat It Award goes to Billionaire Mark Cuban, interviewed on the syndicated celebrity show "Extra!" this week: (emphasis added)

[Cuban] held nothing back. He said, “You know what? It’s rare that you see someone get stupider before your eyes, but he’s really working at it…You have to give him credit. It’s a difficult thing to do, but he’s accomplished it.”

“...Name one good deal he’s done… When he talks about his great re-negotiations, they’re re-negotiations, so tell me if you think this is a good deal: I lose four casinos, they go out of business, but I’m really good at re-negotiating the debt of companies that have already gone out of business.”

Mark smiled, “He’d get kicked out of 'Shark Tank' so fast, it would make your head spin.”

Cuban also made it clear he used to be friends with Trump, but revealed they haven’t spoken in the last month. “He sent me an email when I started picking on him… What happened was I really didn’t like Ted Cruz, so I started helping Donald, tried to encourage him, 'cause I thought he’d be, and to this day thought he’d be a better candidate than Ted Cruz… But at some point, you’ve got to start learning and understanding the issues, you know? Donald has been at this a year but you don’t look at him and say, ‘Wow, he’s gotten so much smarter on this topic or that topic.' In fact, you look at him and say, ‘What the hell are you talking about?' That’s not good for America.”

Mark Cuban clearly looks out for number one, and knows that nobody makes money when a crop-burning religious zealot like Cruz, or a willfully ignorant fraudster like Trump, gets the White House.

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