July 19, 2016

MSNBC's Tamron Hall hosted Scott Baio this morning. I'm sure he saw it as an opportunity for some free career advancement, but Tamron brought her A-game to the interview.

After putting on his piety hat and informing Hall that he wrote his speech in church Sunday morning, Baio wasn't ready for what hit him next.

Hall swooped in for the kill, asking him about the nasty tweet he sent out to his adoring masses calling Hillary Clinton a c*nt.

“Did you think about that in church when you tweeted it out?” she asked.


Baio then did the classic duck and cover maneuver that any parent has seen a million times. You know the one, where they claim that they knew ALL THE TIME the word was "Count," and why is that such a problem for everyone else to see? He didn't mean anything by it. It's just our dirty minds at work.

Hall was having none of that, calling out his "moral compass" as being seriously flawed.

The last straw in the interview was when Hall called him out for another tweet where he joked about President Obama having to wake up next to Michelle Obama every morning, which Baio again laughed off as being a "joke. Yeah, a joke if you're a 12-year old adolescent, anyway.

Hall hammered him with his own words at the end of his speech the night before when he did that.

She asked, “But does joking about a woman that way make America great again? Does that make America America again?”

Baio desperately tried to weasel out of the rest of the interview, but Tamron had him pinned like a butterfly. Well done, Ms. Hall. Well done.

[h/t Daily Beast]

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