Chuck Todd had Glenn Beck on Meet the Press today to discuss how the heck we are going to get through the next 36 days and the election. Glenn Beck, as we all know, is anti Trump and has made that very clear over the election cycle.
So today he came on and started talking about Nazi's, Malcolm X and a whole bunch of other antagonistic historical figures, I guess in relation to Trump and his message and followers.
First, Beck says:
"You know, when they were mocking me for bringing up Nazis, the reason why I did, many of the times, was to warn about the rise of the uber right in Europe that would bleed into America. And it's happening. We, we have to change our, our course. And we have to change--"
Yes, the Nazi reference has been made and it is an apt one. Trump has legitimized the alt right, White Nationalist, neo Nazi segments of the population. Hiring Brietbart's Bannon solidified his role as their figurehead. Not backing away from David Duke's endorsement further gave him street cred with those populations as well.
Then they went into:
CHUCK TODD: You know, you and I were, had an interesting back and forth before this show when we were talking about this segment. And I think one of the challenges, I know you wanted to discuss, is how do you-- the eventual winner has to govern. Right? And the eventual winner is going to be governing a populace, 40 percent of which will maybe not accept the result, and 40 percent of which certainly won't listen to what anyone is saying out of Washington. So how to-- what's a-- give a recipe of how to start to fix this problem.
GLENN BECK: No, I've been looking through history. And the only thing I can come back to is Gandhi and Martin Luther King. What we're going through right now is more of a Malcolm X attitude, where we don't understand reconciliation, we just want to win. We have to stop winning, and we have to start reconciling with each other.
And, and realize, we're not going to lose our houses or our jobs or our country. We're losing something much more important. We're losing ourselves. We're losing our civility. We're losing our decency. We're, we're losing our neighbors and our family.
How high of a price are we willing to pay before we say the idea that Martin-- that, that Malcolm X had, which was, "Get 'em" is not the path that we should go on? We have to start reconciling with each other. And unfortunately, right now, there's no leader to do that nationally. It's going to require each of us, in our own communities--
So how do we stop the Trump Train? Because he is right, after November 8th, a large population of our country that has been reenergized, the alt right, will be left seething. And their anger, their resentment, their fury, will be unleashed. The reality is that they will riot, pillage, act out violently. Their leader will tweet angry twitterstorms encouraging them to "get em," ie anyone with dark skin or of a different faith or nationality.
Trump is the hate candidate. I am not sure we will ever recover as a nation. And don't forget, Glenn Beck is responsible for fostering a good deal of that hatred and resentment we're seeing now, no matter how badly Chuck Todd tries to rehab his image.