They were promised that Killary and that Kenyan in the White House would be de$$troyeed at 3am sharp! Benghazi! 9/11! Baby parts!
Apparently it was all a marketing test by the Ecuadorian Embassy refugee Julian Assange, to see just how many rubes with the word "deplorable" in their Twitter handle were willing to drink caffeine after dinner for the purpose of making libruls mad.
Quite a few, Julian, but we could have told you that! Raw Story:
WikiLeaks promised to release new information that would shake up the presidential race on Tuesday — but instead, it didn’t reveal anything new and founder Julian Assange spent part of his media conference plugging his new book.
Poor Deplorable Linda!
And even though we hate it when Lefty Conspiracy Daddy and Righty Conspiracy Daddy fight, we feel we owe it to you to publish Alex Jones's response. Hide the pets.
Assange now says that any claim that he would "destroy" the Clinton campaign was a "misquoting" by others.
[Assange] seemed to throw cold water on the idea that any revelations he had in store would destroy Clinton’s campaign.
“There’s been a lot of misquoting of me and Wikileaks publications,” Assange said when asked if he believed his work would end Hillary Clinton’s political career.
We can't imagine who in the Trump campaign would lie like that just to drive up ratings.
We just bet there IS a new revelation out there before month's end, and we figure it has something to do with Hillary Clinton faking the moon landings, and Tim Kaine being the "real killer" OJ has been looking for all along.
Tune in tomorrow!