The envy that Joe Scarborough has towards President Bill Clinton runs deep. When his table is assembled with the usual band members, every opinion he expresses is met with a look of love from Mika the meek, and nods of approval from sellout Harold Ford Jr. and both-siderist media gigolo, Mark Halperin.
Since facts don't matter and we aren't supposed to remember anything from the past (which could be yesterday or 10 years ago) we pretend facts don't exist. These now null and void 'facts' don't suit the GOP. The 42nd President, after casting his electoral college vote, had the audacity to speak of the multi-agency revelations about election foul play. Well, that had the crew just clutching their pearls and ready for the fainting couch. Mika rolls a clip of those highly offensive words from President Clinton to set the outrage stage.
BILL CLINTON: I watched her work for two years and i watched her battle through the bogus e-mail deal, and she fought through everything and prevailed against it all, and then, at the end, we the had the Russians and the FBI and she couldn't prevail against that; and she did everything else and still won by 2.8 million people.
Mika took over and discussed Bill Clinton's recent venting earlier this month at a Chappaqua, NY book store, mentioning an unusually cordial phone call from Trump the day after the election. That's when he said that "he(DJT) does know how to get angry white men to vote for him."

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: ...He took a dig at Trump, and he addressed suspected Russian cyber-attacks damaging his wife's candidacy, and you would have to have a single-digit IQ not to know what was going on. And he took a dig at Trump's landslide. He said landslide? 'I got something like 370 votes. That was a landslide.' He also said we are living in a new world. a post-truth era, where facts don't matter.
Uh oh! That got Squint all riled up. Post-truth era is not supposed to be something we say out loud, silly submissive Meat Puppet!
JOE SCARBOROUGH: Oh, My GOD. Oh, MY GOD! This coming, Mika, from the man that said it depends on what is your definition of "is" is? As Mark and I were saying earlier if they would just get out of the way, then -- and be gracious about this, there would be people carrying their water, but Harold Ford, for Bill Clinton to say Trump only knew how to get angry white men voting for him ignores a couple of facts.
Here are a couple facts (my own post-truth facts). If Hillary Clinton would have carried the same people that Barack Obama carried among these quote, angry white men, she would have been elected. But they switched from Obama to Trump, and those angry white men that (PRESIDENT) Bill Clinton is talking about are the same angry white men that got him elected president. And the same angry white men that Bill Clinton was complaining about for months.
The clip at the top ends here, and you could easily predict what comes next. Ford apologized to his media master for saying that he "understands the Clinton camp's frustration." I suppose that just thinking slightly differently from the boss requires contrition. But as usual, he agrees with his superior about the latest fallacy that Secretary Clinton just ignored these angry white male voters in three states, with very unusual election results. Harold Ford Jr. knows his place and like Halperin, that place is "you are so right, Joe!"
Jealous Jihad Joe never realized his own political ambitions, failing to advance past his three terms as a member of the House of Representin' big corporations, h/t to "Idiocracy" for that truth. Joe displays obvious bitterness towards Presidents Clinton and Obama, two-term elected Presidents he knows he could never hold a candle to.
Hey, he's got something in common with Trump after all.