January 13, 2017

During a CNN town hall with Republican Speaker Paul Ryan Thursday evening, host Jake Tapper had to correct the big huge lie about Planned Parenthood that conservatives love so well. Rep. Ryan spewed about federal funding going through Planned Parenthood for abortions.

A female student asked Ryan about losing Planned Parenthood, as that is her only option for healthcare while she is in school, and asked, "then where will millions of women, low income groups..."

Ryan admitted it was a good question and said monies would go to federal community health centers.

Jake Tapper then asked, "You believe in providing more choice for people when it comes to health insurance, except for Planned Parenthood?"

Ryan replied said, "Well, there is a long-standing principle that we've all believed in. And, by the way this is for pro-choice, pro-life people that we don't want to commit taxpayer funding for abortion. And, Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider."

Tapper shot back, "Of course, taxpayers don't fund abortions, right now, right? Because of the Hyde amendment."

Ryan was forced to get honest, "Because of the Hyde amendment, right. But, they get a lot of money and -- and you know, money is fungible and it effectively floats these organizations which then use other money. You know, money is fungible."

Tapper, "A lot of --"

Ryan said, "You don't have this controversy by funding health centers."

Planned Parenthood is only controversial because pro-life zealots target them constantly and use any method possible, including showing doctored videos to smear an organization that has been vital to the welfare of millions of women around the U.S. for decades.

One of the biggest lie was promoted by Carly Fiorina during the Republican presidential primaries when she callously and dishonestly promoted the doctored videos from the Center For Medical Progress.

These videos got David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, the videographers who infiltrated Planned Parenthood with the intent to smear them, indicted.

And it would be absolutely hilarious if it wasn't terribly sad that Ryan holds up "federal health centers" as an alternative to Planned Parenthood. These health centers were created under the Bush administration to serve populations that had no doctors available, but they were expanded and funded even further in the Affordable Care Act at the insistence of Bernie Sanders. When you repeal Obamacare, Paul Ryan, your fabulous "alternative" to Planned Parenthood loses funding.

I only have one question for Speaker Ryan. Is your biggest lie that you claim to know what you're repealing when you talk about repeal and replace?

Can you help us out?

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