Today in Republican Detachment Disorder, the Washington Post has once again paid former George W. Bush chief speechwriter, senior Republican policy adviser and reliable Beltway Republican stalactite, Michael Gerson, to take up his quill and proclaim that his Republican Party just all of the sudden became a racist shitpile a couple of years ago.
It today's exciting episode, Mr. Gerson -- whose business is words -- pretends that he does not understand what the word "exposes" means:
Trump exposes the hypocrisy of Christian Republicans
From the dictionary:
ex·pose verb, 3rd person present: exposes -- make (something) visible, typically by uncovering it.
Mr. Gerson -- who has worn his Conservative evangelical Christian bona fides on his sleeve right next to his "Ride or Die Republican" credentials for his entire adult life -- really wants you to believe that he had no fcking idea that Christian Republicans are, in fact, Christopath Republicans until about 10 minutes ago.
By the way, funny story: "Christopath" is a word I coined 13 years ago, back when Mr. Michael Gerson was being paid to put words in George W. Bush's mouth and thoughts into George W. Bush's head.
When a thoroughly vile thug like Cheney – who cranked up the fear-meter to a rolling boil and then warned the nation he had frightened that to vote for Kerry was to risk having terrorists murder you and your children – calls you “over the top”, you know you’re doing something right.After five years of fake terror alerts, calling critics “traitors”, scaring the living hell out of people to win elections, ever more tax cuts for billionaires when you are already billions in debt, the memorable Swift Boat Social Security “Granny’s a Fag Loving/Troop Hating Whore” Liars ad campaign, lies-lies-and-more-lies about Iraq, Terry Schiavo and an all-out War on the Judiciary climaxing with thinly veiled threats and and calling non-Christopath Judges worse that terrorists (Insert you own list of Top 20 List of Republican Treacheries here)…then some dizzy bitch speaking for the RNC actually says that, “anger is not an agenda” and her pin-head doesn’t implode in cloud of pink cloud of meat, bone and hypocrisy…you have to fall down laughing AND you know you’re doing something right.
(Although I’m forced to agree to this extent: Anger is not the WHOLE Republican agenda. There’s also xenophobia, paranoia, whining victim mentality, criminal fiscal irresponsibility, hatred of Science, “magical thinking” and a worship of Ignorance all wired together with cancerous cult ideology founded on a debased and perverted view of Christianity. So they've got that goin' for them.)
So I really cannot emphasize enough how gallows-humor absurd it is to watch Mr. Michael Gerson collect a paycheck from the Washington Post week after week for pretending to !!Suddenly!!Notice!! horrifying truths about his Republican party that were as obvious to everyone else as a ten-pound turd on a white tile floor and about which we on the Left have been shouting as loud as we can for decades.
I am sure there is a lesson in there somewhere about bearing false witness, but wouldn't count on Michael Gerson, Super Christian, to take up his quill to write about it anytime soon.