C&L's Crookie Of The Year 2020: Trump's Legal Team

Rudy Giuliani, Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, and Jenna Ellis share this year's top honor for their effort to destroy democracy in service of the Cult of Trump.

It would be easy to just pick Donald Trump for the Crookie of the Year award...

...but our rule at the Crookies is, Trump gets nothing.

Trump has abdicated his role as president after his massive election loss.
He continues to promote lies and conspiracy theories to try and overthrow the election.
And meanwhile, he totally ignores the pandemic. Still...

...we never, ever give Trump these awards. Never.

Instead, I've saved this distinction for the Trump "legal team".

These lying masterminds of embarrassment have exploded a bomb on our democracy in the form of right-wing lunatic fringe conspiracies about the election. Conspiracies that Trump uses to proliferate and spread dangerous misinformation on social media and on television.

Those purveyors of vomit.

Those douchebags of deceit.

Those traitors to the US Constitution and the oaths they swore as lawyers to uphold.

The Crookie of the Year award goes to Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, Sidney Powell, and Lin Wood.

Jenna Ellis claims she's working for the Lord to overturn the election so she is very comfortable lying to the people.

Isn't there a commandment about lying somewhere in the TEN?

And she has no idea what the US government actually is.

Sidney Powell was so off the wall that even Tucker Carlson bashed her.

Powell claimed Globalists were after Trump and said with no proof Dominion "injected votes and changed the whole system."

After being savaged because of his meritless and mistake-filled brief to the Supreme Court, Lin Wood then said Trump has "the option of martial law. It's been used 68 times. Lincoln had to do it to save the country. Maybe President Trump will have to do it."

And then Wood filed this idiotic petition in Georgia.

Trump's only the best people mantra became a running joke throughout his administration and looking at his legal team we see they've lost every one of their legal challenges except one. You know the phrase Even a Broken Clock Is Right Twice a Day.

Trump's legal team lost to a broken clock.

If any of these supposed legal miscreants still have their licenses to practice law, they should all be revoked and and/or suspended indefinitely.

Trump's legal team filled frivolous claims (with no evidence) and had fraudulent affidavits signed of election fraud by Trump minions across the country who were as credible as Trump comparing himself to Abraham Lincoln.

Rudy Giuliani even used a convicted sex offender from New Jersey as one of their credible witnesses of voter fraud in Pennsylvania.

You can't make this stuff up. Even Alex Jones couldn't come up with that.

The Supreme Court refused to hear their garbage and that's who they hoped would have stolen the election from the 82 million people that voted for Biden/Harris.

Right now the only recourse we've found coming against these cretins are from the lawsuits being filed against the Trump legal team.

Fox News, Fox Business and Newsmax are all playing fact check segments to try and defend themselves from spreading lies and committing slander about the election results.

We can only hope Dominion and Smartmatic find comfort in the court decisions to punish their accusers in as hard away as legally possible.

For their tireless efforts to undermine the U.S. Constitution, the will of the voters, and democracy in general, these miscreants get the Crookie of the Year.

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