Thanks To Those Who Have Donated So Far - It's Not Too Late!
December 21, 2022

I want to thank everyone so far who has kindly donated to our year-end C&L fundraiser.

We only do fundraisers twice a year.

I'm not a big fan of them, but social media has ravaged us. They gave us no choice.

We will be running asks for another week, so if you haven't donated yet, please consider a donation of at least $25 dollars or more.

Or you can find our subscription information at the bottom of this and any article. This allows you to view C&L ad-free.

You can donate to PayPal or through Kindest.

Or you can send a check via snail mail to:
PO Box 1789
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272

We really want to be around to fight for liberal values in the future.

The country needs it now, more than ever. Thank you.

Can you help us out?

For nearly 20 years we have been exposing Washington lies and untangling media deceit, but now Facebook is drowning us in an ocean of right wing lies. Please give a one-time or recurring donation, or buy a year's subscription for an ad-free experience. Thank you.


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